Tuesday, March 27, 2012

XBMC - AirPlay, not working

As I've said, I build xbmc from source and use the ubuntu server-version to try and keep it somewhat slim. This might not be a problem on another distro or on the regular desktop-version of ubuntu.

So, xbmc has AirPlay support now, how wonderful...
What's that? It doesn't work when you enable it in the settings? How silly.

Turns out you need to:
apt-get install avahi-daemon
for it to actually work.

The configure script does check for avahi when you ./configure but it seems to enable it regardless if it is installed or not.
I was under the impression that:
--enable-airplay        enable AirPlay support(default is auto)
--enable-airtunes       enable AirTunes support(default is auto)
those autos would enable it if all prerequisites are met. I might be wrong though. :)

Anywho, it works when you get the avahi-daemon installed at least.