Saturday, November 30, 2013

Activate specific window on mouse over

I use three monitors with two of them used for the host (Win7) and one for linux (fullscreened VM). I grew tired of having to click inside the VM window to be able to send input to it so I chopped together this AutoHotkey script that will activate it on mouse over. This mimics how a separate PC setup with its own monitor and Synergy works and feels a lot more... correct/intuitive/good/blargh than having to click.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Clear files from directory by age

Looping through all directories and files in a directory.

Directories are checked for video files. If found these are moved to the base directory and the directory, and any other files inside is then removed.

Files in base directory are checked for age and removed if older than 90 days.

Update 2014-06-20:
* Added control if we got a directory.
* Added simpler check if we could reach supplied directory or not.
* Removed deluge-console check as it would sometimes hang and wasn't very useful to begin with.