purple-remote "setstatus?message=np: `mpc current`"Requires, in addition to pidgin obviously, the dbus-python package (whatever it is called in your distro of choice).
This is my shortest post yet.
purple-remote "setstatus?message=np: `mpc current`"Requires, in addition to pidgin obviously, the dbus-python package (whatever it is called in your distro of choice).
apt-get install avahi-daemonfor it to actually work.
those autos would enable it if all prerequisites are met. I might be wrong though. :)--enable-airplay enable AirPlay support(default is auto) --enable-airtunes enable AirTunes support(default is auto)
@echo off :: Variables SET instance=localhost SET user=backup SET pwd=sekkrit SET db=northwind :: Using mapped drive here, should work with unc as well. SET remotePath=N: SET localPath=X:\temp\SqlServer SET localFile=%localPath%\%db%\%db%_latest.bak SET dbPath=X:\MSSQL\DATA SET dbmdf=%db%_data SET dblog=%db%_log :: ------------------------------------------------------ :: File transfer. Could preferably use robocopy. if exist "%localFile%" del "%localFile%" :: Finding latest backup. FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "%remotePath%\%db%\*.bak" /B /O:D') DO SET newestFile=%%I echo %date% %time% - Getting %remotePath%\%db%\%newestFile% :: Copy latest backup copy "%remotePath%\%db%\%newestFile%" "%localFile%" if not exist "%localFile%" goto fail echo %date% %time% - Copy done echo. echo. :: Restore echo %date% %time% - Restoring: %localFile% to database: %db% echo. echo Setting single_user (%db) sqlcmd -S %instance% -U %user% -P %pwd% -d master -Q ^ "ALTER DATABASE [%db%] ^ SET SINGLE_USER WITH ^ ROLLBACK AFTER 60" echo. ping localhost /n 90 > nul echo Restoring %db sqlcmd -S %instance% -U %user% -P %pwd% -d master -Q ^ "RESTORE DATABASE [%db%] ^ FROM DISK = N'%localFile%' ^ WITH REPLACE, FILE = 1, ^ MOVE N'%dbmdf%' TO N'%dbPath%\%db%.mdf', ^ MOVE N'%dblog%' TO N'%dbPath%\%db%_log.ldf', ^ NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10" echo. echo %date% %time% - Completed restore of database: %db% ping localhost /n 10 > nul :end goto :eof :fail echo Fail goto :eof