For the example below to work you must set your AOE-loot key to F12 (and unbind it from logout).
Do this before you start the script.
You could of course use another keybinding that does not interfere with anything already bound. Like ctrl+alt+shift+win+f12 which should be fine ;) That combination would be ^!+#{F12} in ahk.
You also need to install AutoHotkey... obviously. :)
Copy the code below and save it as an .ahk file, double click it and you're all set.
Update: Added check to see if Shift is pressed and if so does not send hotkey as not to interfere with chat input.
I could've sworn this was working correctly without this previously but eh, now it's fixed either way.
Update: Added more modifier-key-down-checks as suggested by Namaless.
#SingleInstance force #Persistent #NoEnv SetTimer, lootStuff, 500 return lootStuff: IfWinActive ahk_class ArenaNet_Dx_Window_Class { shiftKey := GetKeyState("Shift", "P") altKey := GetKeyState("Alt", "P") controlKey := GetKeyState("Control", "P") winKey := GetKeyState("LWin", "P") if !shiftKey and !altKey and !controlKey and !winKey SendInput {F12} } return